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Physical Rehabilitation

Functional performance training for rehabilitation of spinal alignment, emotional regulation, proprioception, balance, flexibility, and strength of the individual.

Ali Altarhouni offers The Tennis Sessions & joins VHC as a performance (PTSW) rehabiitation coach working alongside a unique team of physicians and physiotherapists.

Ali began a national junior tennis career at the age of 7 in North Africa. He achieved several victories, including winning the prestigious under 14 El Fateh tournament and two consecutive under 16 Benghazi tournaments. His accolades include second and third placing in the national under 18 and 18+ Libya open tournaments.

In 2008, Ali received ITF level one coaching certification and began coaching beginners and intermediate players recovering through injury. Most recently he holds the TPA instructors certification (2023) in Canada.

Throughout his tennis career spanning 20 years, Ali developed a deep connection and passion for tennis which shaped his psychological upbringing in a multi-ethnic diverse landscape of North Africa. In his true love of tennis, Ali recognised the. capacity of tennis to build both mental and physical pathways necessary to heal from injury.

In his journey across the globe, Ali’s focus shifted from competitive tennis coaching towards clients recovering from pain and injury.

Vancouver Healing Centre offers The Tennis Sessions, performance physiotherapy in collaboration with Community GP’s, GF Strong & Ali Altarhouni. The Tennis Sessions implements rehabilitation physiologically through pain and injury, neurologically through complex pain and trauma, and psychologically optimizing focus, perception, and functional performance for physiotherapy clients.

The Tennis Sessions train the PsychoPhysiology of the Body under supervision of professional physiotherapists. Working alongside a rehabilitation team Ali’s unique approach optimises recovery of the client to the highest training potential per level of injury and specific condition.

In his personal life Ali is a TV host, producer and pursues an acting career on the Westcoast of America.

Ali Altarhouni offers The Tennis Sessions & joins VHC as a performance (PTSW) rehabiitation c... Read More

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